Wow it feels good to be back! I was temporarily separated from my computer for a couple of weeks but I'm back now! Hello again, internet world!
What's new on our side of the screen? Well, LilO celebrated her 1st birthday and we have started potty training, or Elimination Communication to be exact. So here I am trying to take LilO to the potty every now and then throughout the day and it's going great so far.
This is how we started:
1. Bought a potty that was her size. Some of the potties she would have her legs flying around and couldn't touch the ground, so they are made for bigger children.
2. Put her in the potty when she needs to go. This was easy for us for at least two moments in the day when we KNOW she needs to go : after lunch and after dinner :)
3. First time we didn't get anything, but now there's something maybe 80% of the time. Woot!
I'm not doing this thinking she'll be "potty trained" in a month. LilO doesn't walk and can't tell me "potty!" either so until that happens, we're going to have to continue with our system here.
One of the things I'm thinking about now is her nanny for september. We're taking her every day to a caregiver (there will be 3 children total) and I don't know if she'll continue doing what we do or not. While it's true that potty training is part of her job, here they start later on so we'll see how things go. Hopefully in a month's time LilO will get a hang of the potty a bit more and that will convince the nanny? Who knows. In the worst case we'll wait out a few months with her, but we'll continue to do it in the mornings and evenings at home, as well as in the weekends.
Oh and one more thing! LilO doesn't say many distinct words, but it's so cute hearing her say "tiens!" ("here" in English???) when she gives you something, and "tetche!" (for "leche" (milk) in Spanish). Can't wait to see how her vocabulary grows in the different languages!